Leopard Gecko (Imperfect/Adoption)
Unfortunately, we take in abandoned/unwanted/mistreated animals quite often. Leopard Geckos make up a decent percentage of these "drop offs". The majority are not in good shape. Issues like MBD (Metabolic Bone Disease. Caused by improper diet and/or supplementation) and malnutrition are the most common issues and some are worse than others. These animals still have plenty of life left and deserve a good loving home. The fee is $25 to adopt one of these animals and we will be checking to make sure you have everything needed to care for them before adopting them out.
Pictures are NOT of exact animals available. They are just examples of the type of geckos we get dropped off/surrendered
"Adoption" animals are individuals we received through surrender, rescue, abandonment or with otherwise unknown background information. They may have known and/or underlying heath issues due to previous improper care, age or other factors. Known and observed issues will be discussed at time of adoption, but all must be monitored for additional healthcare requirements once taken home. No guarantees are applicable or implied. Any veterinary or other special care costs and arrangements are the sole responsibility of the adopter. Adoption fees (if any) are considered donations to help Jungle Bob's cover the costs of accepting, evaluating and starting any rehabilitation and to continue helping more unwanted pets find homes.