Kaytee Timothy Hay is primarily a product fed to Rabbits, guinea pigs and other small critters. But at Jungle Bob's Reptile World, the animal that eats more hay than all of them put together is the desert tortoise! Sulcatas or the African Spur Tortoise comes to mind in particular and boy do they love to munch this excellent product.
Kaytee Timothy Hay is grown in the ideal ecological location for moisture and climate control and is then stored in a protected environment to ensure the quality and superior nutritional value are maintained. Hay is a plant tortoises would dine on in their natural environment (as they rarely encounter green leafy vegetables in sub Saharan Africa) and it should be a staple part of a desert tortoises diet. It also makes their defecation easier to deal with if you own one, you know what we mean, so that alone should prompt you to stock up on this excellent product from our friends at Kaytee.