Red Eared Slider (Chrysemys scripta)
We often have MANY of these beautiful turtles that we take in or "rescue" for various reasons. When you buy one from us, it is technically an adoption. We are asked to take so many of these on a daily basis (literally!) and we try to care for and find better homes for as many as we can to the best of out ability. This is far from a "profitable" venture for us. We just want to help these animals since nobody else seems to want to!
The red eared slider is a semi aquatic turtle that is a subspecies of the pond slider. These turtles belong to the family Emydidae. They are the most popular pet turtle in the United States.
Their diet consists of turtle pellets, live insects, earthworms, and vegetation. The Reptomin diet pellets are considered a complete diet if you do not want to feed live insects.
Give us a call at 631-737-6474 with any questions.